Post Perfect is a series of objects, that illustrates design beyond the dogma of perfection. Traces of production were included in their design. Traces of use continues this story that is as unique as each object and its user. Post Perfect identify ways of design to sustainable products that are not by increasing efficiency or driven by material research, but an aesthetically and creative approach. Thus coincidence plays a role in the production of the light “Aleat” and always creates new forms and characters. The table “paint” represents an abstraction of it´s Baroque master. It takes possession of the image, that the viewer carries in his head. “Concrete” is a stool that was created in a modular mould system that concists of CNC milled from radii and rough formwork wood. The simple design follows the material-specific form, but is enlivened by a rich language of the materials. Their rudeness and lightness set up a tension between furniture and architecture. The cup “polygon Dynasty” procures attention to itself and it´s content, since it can not placed on the table without further notice. Again, coincidence played a role in a 3D form algorythmus as part of the design of the product. And again, production traces play a role in the texture: in typical “steps” of 3D printed form and in the form-separation seams of the traditional manufacturing process of porcelain.