sme brand research & design frames

design frames thingk-design

© thingk-design, 2013


A brand research always is the basis of our work. The trust in a brand is created by its internal and external consistency. On the inside the designed object should form a unit with the product range. For this purpose a design DNA can be developed, transporting the brand values ​​and identity. The design DNA is on the one part base of the product range on the other, it provides the foundation for service design that tackles important points of contact with clients, consumers, retailers and suppliers. For the Brand Research we rely either on material of our clients, but we also do it for small and medium enterprises. The unbiased outside perspective on brand, product, range, communication and service can be very helpful for balancing the goals set by the companys targets. For this we use design thinking and service design methods with a qualitative approach that can be adapted to the respective requirements. We also lead innovation workshops to gain a deeper, more nuanced view. On request, Thingk-Design provides a free quick-review, in which we identify company-specific development opportunities and approaches.



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