Life Cycle Design


Polygon Dynasty ist eine Porzellantasse bei der zur Herstellung der Gießform 3D Drucktechnologie eingesetzt wurde, die der traditionellen Manufaktur in Zukunft viel Entwicklungszeit und Kosten sparen wird. Der Entwurf thematisiert den Herstellungsprozess durch das Nebeneinander digitaler, wie traditioneller Herstellungsspuren und den Nutzungsprozess durch die Form, die dem Nutzer Aufmerksamkeit abverlangt und damit den Teegenuss bewusst werden lässt.

We don´t design with the view of a rigid product, but include the entire production, distribution, use and disposal or recycling process in our consideration. Although the direct control of the company does not normally extend to the entire product life cycle, but design decisions have an impact on the entire way of life of the product. This ultimately shapes the experience of the user and thus his attitude toward the brand. In the use phase of the product, this includes not only the functionality and ergonomics, but also for example the contextual use in event spaces and in conjunction with other products, as well as the design, concidering expected traces of wear. Thus, products may also prove to be economically sustainable, which are upgradeable or be connected to a maintenance service or take-back.

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